Industrial Mockup

Industrial Mockup
Mockup Manufacturing

Unmatched quality in mock-up model and mock-up production!

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The industrial model is a creative tool for expressing a manufacturing process or replicating an engineering facility. The industrial model is different from a simple conceptual representation of the working principles, and a high-detail presentation architectural model depends on the purpose of making the model.

An industrial model is a way to sell your product by presenting its unique features in a way that everyone can understand. An industrial model can be an exact replica, or it can highlight a particular aspect of your product using a cutaway design, working parts, or lights and sound.

If your product is small, we can enlarge it to show intricate parts that won’t be noticeable to the naked eye. Likewise, if your product is large and unwieldy, a scaled-down industrial model will represent your design in a form that is easier to handle, transport, and digest.

Industrial models can tell a story. Perhaps your product is an idea, process, or system that is not easily explained. We can create a physical representation that makes your process explainable.

Master Model creates exciting industrial models. The point of the model is to attract people, no matter what industry you come from, and help them understand what you’re selling.

Our Mockup Application Examples

Model Production

Industrial Mockup

Producing an industrial model is a relatively complex process. Model makers need to fully understand the principles beforehand and then transform the operating process into a physical object. Adding interactive elements like rising smoke and running water helps viewers better understand what the model wants to represent. Installing a lighting system on an industrial model can be considered a critical business step. Some industrial models have a dynamic effect that allows visitors to see the development of the whole process. Therefore, it is an invaluable tool in trading events to keep potential customers interested. Since most industrial mock-ups used for marketing will be frequently packaged and transported, both nationwide and overseas, special model protective measures and maintenance approaches are needed.

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Prototype Mockup

With our years of experience and know-how, we meet the prototype model production needs of many companies from different sectors. You can find the types of models we produce below;

Defense industry mockups
Prototype custom design mockups
Official and cultural models
Competition mock-ups
Fair mock-ups
Presentation mock-ups
Promotional mockups

And much more…

Companies that produce mock-ups

We are proud to have been in the first place among the companies that make models for years and to have produced countless models for the IDEF fair. If you want to have a model produced, you can contact us.